Please fill in the form below.

Members will automatically receive messages from the organisation/s they belong to. Please indicate your areas of interest in the checkboxes. Non-members can also receive messages from all organisations as indicated by checking the relevant box.

The option ‘Infrequent village communication’ will be used sparingly and may include communication around village emergencies, such as potential village fire danger, so we suggest that you stay subscribed to that option.

There are a number of WhatsApp groups in the village that you may like to join if you are not yet subscribed (see end of form):
  • Rooiels Communications - for information, official notifications, and also for urgent communication on immediate issues;
  • Village People - chat group to connect, share photos, event notices, and request information;
  • Rooiels Matters - where villagers can debate issues and discuss the pros and cons to help them make informed decisions about the village; and
  • REWild - where nature lovers share numerous photos and information on flora, fauna, and nature in general
The official Safety and Security group, Rooi Els Block Watch, is for Rooielsers to alert fellow villagers about incidents. To be added to this group, please send a WhatsApp message to Peter Koning on 0824911463 or Hilgard Muller on 0828988202. Be sure to state your name, surname, and erf number. They require you to also state who recommended you as all members are verified for security purposes.

There are also a number of specialised groups, such as the Ladies group and other volunteer groups that you may hear about through word-of-mouth.

The following information is required to add you to the village mailing list (Mailchimp) or different WhatsApp groups:
* indicates required
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